Saturday, 22 March 2025

Mechanical and Electromechanical Assemblies

Built by DCX-CHOL

Mechanical Assembly Mechanical Assembly Mechanical Assembly
Mechanical Assembly Mechanical Assembly Mechanical Assembly




Hand Held Universal
Automated Tester

The Hand Held Universal Automated Tester (A3CPTS) is our latest microprocessor-based Armament Circuits Preload Test Set.

The A3CPTS system has the ability to store and run automated Test Program Sequences that speed up testing, help reduce aircraft maintenance down-time and reduce Stores Management System maintenance personnel requirements by 50%.

Our system can be programmed to reliably and accurately test any platform-to-weapon interface and reduce the need for costly and tedious technical orders or paper-based test procedures.

The A3CPTS is the only Preload Test Set on the market with fully protected electronics. No operator-replaceable fuses are used or required. This means greater safety and reliability for the user, the tester and the Stores Management System.

Please contact us to find out about how this new system can meet your avionics and weapons test needs.




Custom Connectors (continued)

Fluid type, feed thru bulkhead connectors, nuclear connectors and hull penetrators.
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DCX-CHOL designed and manufactures Hermetic sealed connectors for low and high pressure applications.
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EDNA (Enhanced Diagnostic Aid)

The picture shows the complete Enhanced Diagnostic Aid (EDNA) used for the F-16 and B-2 build for Lockheed Martin.

The EDNA provides worldwide flightline and backshop support for load/verify of operational flight programs, download of aircraft flight data recorder and subsystem enhanced fault diagnostics. The EDNA can also be augmented for applications such as Stores Management System testing.


Custom Connectors (continued)

DCX-CHOL designed underwater hermetic connector for a top secret “black” US Navy program. This connector is made out of an exotic metal called Nitronics 50 (high grade stainless steel type material) which is good up to l0,000 PSI. The contacts are individually sealed.
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DCX-CHOL co-designed and fabricates a flight critical molded connector designed to apply power to the missile while the missile is in the launcher. The connector is designed to survive both restrained and flight environments where the connector can be exposed direct to the booster flame/plume for up to 30 seconds. The performance and thermal protection is accomplished through the use of a series of thermal ablative materials. Our connector has been tested with a missile shot and survived all environmental and heat requirements.
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